Setting up RPi 3B+ with Pi-hole + OpenVPN + Nordvpn + ufw

I've followed the guides to install Pi-hole and ufw on a RPi 3B+ with Raspbian Stretch Lite. My RPi has ip

I'm using Google Wifi as router. In Google Wifi settings I have setup custom DNS I have also made this ip static.

Besides installing Pi-hole I have also installed ufw with these settings:

Default: deny (incoming), allow (outgoing), disabled (routed)
To Action From
-- ------ ----
Anywhere ALLOW
64321/tcp ALLOW Anywhere
64321/tcp (v6) ALLOW Anywhere (v6)

Port 64321 is used for torrenting.

This is all working as expected. I've been using Pi-hole successfully for several weeks.

Now, I also want to add a VPN. I have a Nordvpn account and have followed this guide According to the guide I should install openvpn and download NordVPN .ovpn configuration files. This I have done. I have successfully connected using this command:

sudo openvpn

In order to get all other devices on my home network to use Nordvpn using this connection I have edited adding the line push "dhcp-option DNS".

I have also changed Upstream DNS Servers Custom #1and #2 to and (source for DNS was What are your DNS server addresses? | NordVPN Support).

I then also changed Interface listening behaviour to Listen on all interfaces, permit all origins.

DHCP Settings is not enabled.

I have restarted RPi.

However, when I go to from my devices I get the message at the top that my connection is not secure.

What am I missing in this scenario? Why will my devices not use VPN?

Would it be possible to say whats wrong with my configuration?

I followed these instructions to set up a VPN gateway, and now it's working as expected. Also: No DNS leak.

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