Setting up pxe-related options in PiHole v4+

Prior to PiHole v4, I was using the bundled DNSMasq to set pxe-related options (mainly dhcp-boot=undionly.pxe,,xx.xx.xx.xx).
After updating pihole and the server itself, it seems as if the dnsmasq dependency of pihole has been dropped (as per Dnsmasq service - should it be disabled? - #12 by borpin), and in fact i found dnsmasq to be uninstalled.
Is there a way to set these options with the DNS handling in PiHole? Is it possible to reinstall dnsmasq to make use of that functionality without affecting the new functionality in PiHole?

Best regards,

Pi-hole's internal DNS engine (FTL) is a modified dnsmasq version. It understands any configuration setting dnsmasq does. Just create a new file containing your settings in /etc/dnsmasq.d/ and restart Pi-hole (pihole restartdns)

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