Setting Pi-Hole as the DNS server on my router does not work, but manually setting on Windows does

Running in to a very weird issue with my Pi-Hole. If I set my DNS server manually on my windows machine it works, and I can see the traffic flowing through. But if I set the same IP as my manual DNS on my Hitron router, it refuses to connect (even after turning wireless off/on, and visually identifying it is my DNS server). Android Phones also are listed as "connected without internet".

Expected Behaviour:

Setting Pi-Hole within the Hitron DNS -> Manual -> IP Settings should allow my machines to use the DNS Server

Actual Behaviour:

Pi-Hole only works as a DNS server if explicitly set on my computer

Debug Token:

Sounds more like an issue with your router's configuration, but let's see.

Your debug log shows that your router is correctly distributing your Pi-hole's IP exclusively as local DNS server:

*** [ DIAGNOSING ]: Discovering active DHCP servers (takes 10 seconds)
   Scanning all your interfaces for DHCP servers
   * Received 548 bytes from eth0:
     Offered IP address:
     DHCP options:
      Message type: DHCPOFFER (2)
      domain-name: "hitronhub.home"
      --- end of options ---
   DHCP packets received on interface eth0: 1
   DHCP packets received on interface lo: 0

This would be a valid configuration.

Did you create that debug log when you...

Or did you perhaps try to additionally set your router's upstream DNS server to Pi-hole as well?

I'm thinking this is more my routers fault too. There's only one spot in the basic Hitron router offered by my ISP (Shaw) to set DNS, and when putting it like this, the server does get set on devices on DHCP but no internet connections can be made.

I set PiHole as my DHCP server and everything seems to be working OK, but I'm a bit concerned about having the pihole go down and suddenly I don't have a DHCP server. Is it possible there's multiple spaces to configure DNS? I didn't modify the WAN one at all.

I do not know your router at all, so it would be hazardous guessing to judge what your router does by just a screenshot.
You really should consult your router's documentation and support for details.

It looks like that screenshot was taken on a smartphone.
If that is indeed an app, it may be worth checking whether your router would offer a web interface as well. It wouldn't be uncommon that the web UI may offers more detailed configuration options and/or more detailed help than the app.

Purely based on the button labeled Obtain in those DNS settings, I would consider it more likely that those settings would refer to your router's upstream DNS server rather than the local one distributed by DHCP - the latter one would commonly default to the router's own IP in lieu of manual configuration, so wouldn't be obtained, while in case of the former, your ISP would tell your router which upstream DNS servers to use.

May I ask again:
When did you create that debug log?

  • at a time when you had your router configured to use Pi-hole for DNS and DNS wasn't working
  • at a time where you didn't configure your router to use Pi-hole for DNS and DNS was working

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