Hi, I have looked in this forum and scouring of Google of course. But, can't seem to find a resolution and I tried this solution.
But, it doesn't fix the issue, even with an update and reboot of the system Help: Pi-hole has two IP addresses - Help - Pi-hole Userspace
I see "pihole" showing up two times on my router with the same IP and MAC address.
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
You dont give us allot to work on.
Debug token?
What distro is installed?
hostnamectl | grep "Operating System"
Did you check IP's on the host?
ip -br a
What do you mean by "what distro?"
It's PiHole.
And the update is the router cleared the second IP address after the second reboot.
Thanks everyone
"Distro" is an abbreviated form of Distribution and, in this context, means Linux Distribution.
He asked what Linux are you using? Debian? Ubuntu? Other?
Pi-hole is not an Operating System. It's a software (an application) installed on top of some operating system.
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