

I've gotten a lot of query's lately from (s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com), anyone know what this is? Last night I got 6k query's in two hours. Now it should be blocked but I cannot find what this URL does.

This is one of the servers Amazon uses to stream content.

Why do you think it should be blocked? Don't let a large number of queries lead you to the conclusion that something should be blocked.

As an example, on my network, big bursts of this domain: sonos.amazonmusic.com. 25K queries in a day. That is from streaming music to a Sonos from an iPhone.

Hmm that was my first thought but I never seen this many requests before and all 6k came with 5 seconds intervals during two hours when we were aslepp. We do not own anything from Amazon nor have any Amazon account. Then if it is normal AWS it could be any service.
So it should not be blocked then? Or should it remain blocked until I find was it query it maybe?

It is your decision whether to block it or not. First, find out which client is making the requests. That will narrow it down and you can determine which software on that client is making the request.

Note that Amazon provides data services to other companies, so it doesn't have to be an Amazon device or account.

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