Rpi4 + Pihole + hotspot

Hi, First of all thanks to pihole devs they did an amazing job on this tool!

I'm trying to make my rpi behave as a hotspot with its default dns pihole.
And I want these two things to be installed on the rpi.

My problem is the following :
My hotspot setup requires the use of dnsmasq so does pihole.
But after installing pihole dnsmasq doesn't behave as expected.

Could you give me a piece of advice on how to setup both ?

I've been tinkering with dns masq pihole and my hotpost setup for about two weeks now.
Honestly I didn't find the solution on discourse.pi-hole.net.

I created a tool to automate the creation of a hotspot following this tutorial:

I wish we can find a solution to that problem, I have seen a lot of people asking for these two features and no one seems to have a solution yet!

Existing dnsmasq configurations will work with pihole-FTL, and it is likely that if you disable dnsmasq your hotspot software will use the dnsmasq embedded in pihole-FTL.