From Reddit:
I upgraded to v6 this past weekend, and found the Network Overview page, that has the gradient that goes from green to red, showing how long ago the client was seen. As a colorblind person, I can tell you that it is impossible to see any difference in any of the color coded lines. The green and red look exactly the same to me. Please consider changing the green to something like blue that everyone can see the difference in. Or add a colorblind option to change the colors for those of us that would benefit.
Did you suggest to use one of the High Contrast Themes?
I changed the colors to avoid green/red and I hope it should look like the user expects.
I did not, but I can relay that message - Just figured I would get the FR across here without the pain of asking someone to sign up to the forum and then meet the requirements to then actually be able to make the request 
I just answered on Reddit.
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I created the High Contrast themes exactly to change the color schemes.
The logo is not red/green:
Network table is blue/orange.
Query log uses a darker red and a lighter green. The result is a better contrast (even for color blind users) and I hope they are able to easily distinguish between allowed and blocked rows.