Raspberry Pi OS (bookworm) is out now, Pihole error "Unsupported OS detected, Debian 12"

I noticed today that the output from "$ dig +short -t txt versions.pi-hole.net @ns1.pi-hole.net" is now:

"Raspbian=10,11,12 Ubuntu=20,22,23 Debian=10,11,12 Fedora=36,37,38 CentOS=8,9"

I assume this means we can now install Pihole on Pi OS 12 Bookworm without needing any "unsupported OS" workarounds?

Yes. We have added Raspbian 12 (Bookworm) to our list of supported OS's. Within the last week, as I recall.

Try sudo nmtui for a terminal gui based setup utility that can do this, maybe it's easier.

The easy way to set a static IP on bookworm:

nmcli -p connection show
nmcli c "your-connection" ipv4.addresses ipv4.method manual
nmcli c mod "your-connection" ipv4.addresses ipv4.method manual
nmcli c mod "your-connection" ipv4.gateway
nmcli c mod "your-connection" ipv4.dns
nmcli c down "your-connection" && nmcli c up "your-connection"
nmcli -p connection show your-connection

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