Query results come back as bogus / servfail

Expected Behaviour:

Blocked sites are blocked, sites not in blocklists can be accessed

Actual Behaviour:

Sites not found in any blocklists are not accessible

Debug Token

Unable to upload one...

[?] Would you like to upload the log? [y/N] y
    * Using openssl for transmission.
[āœ—]  There was an error uploading your debug log.
   * Please try again or contact the Pi-hole team for assistance.

Quick snip of query log, trying to browse this site

Apr 25 23:07:12 dnsmasq[31998]: query[A] discourse.pi-hole.net from
Apr 25 23:07:12 dnsmasq[31998]: forwarded discourse.pi-hole.net to
Apr 25 23:07:12 dnsmasq[31998]: forwarded discourse.pi-hole.net to
Apr 25 23:07:13 dnsmasq[31998]: validation discourse.pi-hole.net is BOGUS
Apr 25 23:07:13 dnsmasq[31998]: reply error is SERVFAIL

Also see this on some other sites
No changes made to hardware or software?
Pihole version is latest and all upto date.

pi-hole.net is not DNSSEC enabled. You are getting an error from your upstream server ( that is reporting the discourse.pi-hole.net record is DNSSEC BOGUS, which is not possible. What are you using as your upstream?

I'm using unbound

Did you follow any guides or instructions on your unbound configurations?

Yep, to the letter.
Everything was working perfectly up until tonight. I've not changed anything.
Just trying another debug

Which guide did you follow?

I followed the one in the pihole docs here

Got a debug: Your debug token is: https://tricorder.pi-hole.net/dl2lms2dhr!

Everything on the debug is fine, Pi-hole works correctly. Unbound is returning incorrect results.

Why would it suddenly stop working?
Any tips on how to fix?

Check the time on the Pi. If it is incorrect, the DNSSEC cannot authenticate properly.

Time is ok...

Last login: Thu Apr 25 23:22:11 2019 from
pi@pi-hole:~ $ timedatectl
      Local time: Fri 2019-04-26 08:53:43 BST
  Universal time: Fri 2019-04-26 07:53:43 UTC
        RTC time: n/a
       Time zone: Europe/London (BST, +0100)
 Network time on: yes
NTP synchronized: yes
 RTC in local TZ: no

I'm in the uk

Something else I've just noticed....by blocked percentage has dropped from around 20-30% to approx. 5%

Turn off DNSSEC on Pi-Hole and see if this improves it. DNSSEC is already being handled by unbound.

That seems to have done the trick.
I'm certain the guide for unbound said to enable DNSSEC?
Maybe a quick note in the documentation would.be an idea?
Looking through logs, with DNSSEC enabled, every query was coming back with BOGUS status?
Anyhoo, looks to be resolved now.
But I am rather interested / intrigued as to why it suddenly caused problems out of the blue?

Still getting some problems...

Apr 26 17:49:18 dnsmasq[25337]: query[A] gameclipscontent-d2017.xboxlive.com from
Apr 26 17:49:18 dnsmasq[25337]: forwarded gameclipscontent-d2017.xboxlive.com to
Apr 26 17:49:18 dnsmasq[25337]: forwarded gameclipscontent-d2017.xboxlive.com to
Apr 26 17:49:18 dnsmasq[25337]: reply error is SERVFAIL

Or is this meaning the domain is blocked...seems not
Query log says the request was forwarded?

The guide for unbound does not address DNSSEC settings in Pi-Hole. The guide enables DNSSEC in unbound only.

There have been some bugs reported in dnsmasq related to DNSSEC.

I believe this is unbound failing to return an IP for that requested domain.

One thing I would do is to temporarily increase the verbosity setting for unbound in file /etc/unbound/unbound.conf.d/pi-hole.conf using the guidance of the unbound configuration manual - this will show more detail in the unbound log and may provide some insight into what is happening within unbound:

1 Like

Must have been a rookie error from me... entirely possible

Yeah, I've just had a query return SIGFAIL then second time returned NOERROR and the page loaded.

I've increased verbosity to level 3....do I need to restart unbound to have it take effect? How do I do this if so?
Thanks guys for your help btw!

Yes. sudo service unbound restart

Thanks, I'll try to recreate and catch a debug log
Does the unbound log get included in pihole -d

Still having some problems...I think
Snip from log:

Apr 26 18:30:43 dnsmasq[25337]: query[A] gameclipscontent-d2017.xboxlive.com.local from
Apr 26 18:30:43 dnsmasq[25337]: forwarded gameclipscontent-d2017.xboxlive.com.local to
Apr 26 18:30:43 dnsmasq[25337]: reply gameclipscontent-d2017.xboxlive.com.local is NXDOMAIN

If I look for the unbound log, it doesn't exist.
Config file tells me it's at /var/log/unbound/unbound.log
But the file doesn't exist, I don't even have an unbound folder in /var/log

Got another debug log:

[āœ“] Your debug token is: https://tricorder.pi-hole.net/bzityptvcu!

Just to confirm every query is resulting in SERVFAIL again?

No. Unbound is a separate installation and not part of Pi-Hole, so not included.