Query log link to regex rule opens multiple tabs

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Please ensure that you are running the latest version of the beta code.
Run pihole -up to update to the latest, then verify that the problem still exists before reporting it.

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Problem with Beta 5.0:
Following the link on the query log's column Status to jump to the matching regex rule should open up just one new browser's tab.
But sometimes it opens up multipe tabs - at PC and smart phone.

According to the browser's development tools the click-event is added multiple times:

It seems this happens only if the table’s filtering is used.

But I have not yet looked deeper into the causing code.

Debug Token:

It's only added once in the rowCallback, but we'll make sure to check this. Thanks for your report!

edit I see, the link is always added when the rowCallback is called. If you filter on a given domain/client it may be called multiple times.

This PR has been merged.