Query Log Domain field needs to wrap

I think the image explains itself. I was checking the query log today on one of my PiHoles and the log seemed a bit broken.

The domain field needs to wrap, so as to not push the Client, Status, and Action columns off the page.

edit: I have seen certain long queries wrap once, but this particular query was so long it needed to wrap twice or have another solution. I understand you may this think this is a rare occurrence, but I had another just like it in the same log.

Thank you for all your hard work,

Could you make an issue on GitHub? This is more of a bug than a feature request, so having it on GitHub would make it easier to organize. Thanks for reporting this!

I have, here is the link: Query Log - Long Domains push columns off page · Issue #1633 · pi-hole/pi-hole · GitHub

Thanks again for all your hard work and let me know if there's any way I can help with this issue.


Fixed in next release (3.2):