Query Log, CNAME Status: Unknown (9)

Please follow the below template, it will help us to help you!

Please ensure that you are running the latest version of the beta code.
Run pihole -up to update to the latest, then verify that the problem still exists before reporting it.

Problem with Beta 5.0:
Cant open youtube.com. It was working before. Happend after updating the blocklist. Query Log shows "Unknown (9)" status for Youtube:

Debug Token:

What does pihole -g show? Any output from the myriad of lists being used?

pihole -g works as aspected. It downloads all domain lists and add it to the database. No problem here. There are some warnings about bad domains names, which will be ignored, but this is fine.

Normally (on Beta 5) the CNAME blocks will show the actual domain that is causing the block. Have you updated your Pi-hole install lately?

Yep yesterday, before i've posted this issue. Should i check for a new update again? Btw. is it possible to "force" an update, even when it thinks its up to date?

Edit: I see that i've youtube.com on my whitelist, but i need to add www.youtube.com to get it working. youtube.com is in one of my blocklists. There are 100 partial matches for youtube.com, i think thats the reason why www.youtube.com is needed to be added. But why doesn't simply show it, that youtube.com is blocked.

pihole -up will do this. If there is an update available, it will be installed. In the beta branch, updates are not shown on the dashboard as available, but they frequently are available.

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My pihole is up to date:

pi@raspberrypi:~ $ pihole -up
  [i] Checking for updates...
  [i] Pi-hole Core:     up to date
  [i] Web Interface:    up to date
  [i] FTL:              up to date
  [i] Warning: You are using FTL from a custom branch (release/v5.0) and might be missing future releases.

  [✓] Everything is up to date!

The screenshot I'm looking at shows that www.youtube.com is blocked. That's what needs to be whitelisted.

So "Unkown (9)" is blocked then?

Looks like it. The interface has a few updates that are in various stages of approval.

@DL6ER Do we have any open PRs that need to hit release/v5.0?

No this is in since weeks or months, I suppose there is still v4.0 javascript code in the cache.

@ryrun Please try again after a force-refresh of the page (press Ctrl+F5).

This fixed the CNAME Unknown 9 problem, thx:

The Youtube blocking was fine, because its listed in one of my lists. The Unkown (9) status just confused me here :slight_smile: