Queries from phone are not blocked


Blacklisted queries like "flurry.com" are blocked if they are requested from my computer/laptop, but not blocked when coming from connected mobile devices.
So basically, queries are handled differently depending on the device being used.

Expected Behaviour

I want "flurry.com" and all other blacklisted queries to be blocked for my phones as well.


  • Windows 10 on all computers, I do not believe the hardware specs to be relevant in this case.
  • Huaweii P20 Pro (the device's queries show up in pi.hole/admin, but are not blocked)
  • Router is an Archer C50 (TP-link).

Things I've tried

As adviced, I have tried finding a relevant issue and thus tried the following:

  • Turned off Private DNS on mobile
  • Put both DNS fields to point to raspberry.
  • Setting it to router does not redirect traffic to pihole for some reason
  • Went to icanhazip.com, which returned:
  • Looked at Mobile devices ads blocking

Some pictures for insight:


Debug Token:



If this reminds you of any other issue, then I would glady check it out as I haven't been able to find such issues myself.

You have two phones assigned to management group 1 (phones), but you have no blocking assigned to that group.


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I quickly looked at the groups and clients section in pi.hole/admin:

Since the default already has blocking enabled, I simply switched the two devices to "default"(previousely assigned "Phones"), and now everything works like a charm.
This solved my problem and this issue can thus be closed.

I'll have a closer look on how to properly setup groups in pihole, as for now, I would want to thank you a hundred-fold for your time <3

Thanks for your time!

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