Problems installing pi hole on existing octoprint installation


I have some problems getting my pi hole running on an existing octoprint installation on a raspberry pi 3. I got some help on twitter before but was now asked to open a topic here, so here we go.

Expected Behaviour:

I expected it to just work fine, but I cannot finish the installation even after many retries

Actual Behaviour:

The installer runs fine and I can set up all my settings. However it does not come to the final page showing me my webportal password (and it does also not install the portal, at least i cannot open it).

Debug Token:

[Replace this text with the debug token provided from running pihole -d (or running the debug script through the web interface]
It tells me command not found, so I cannot give you that information, sorry.

A short info just about myself, I am a windows professional since years, but just a beginner at Linux since a few weeks. So please be patient if i ask how to do things. Or just give me ready commands for the shell. Thanks a lot

Michael from Germany

Hi, this is Dan from Twitter.

If pihole is showing that command not found then indeed the installation did not finish. Can you get the output from where the install is stopping? We may need to run the install in a more verbose mode to get to the actual problem, that's why I asked you to come here as the verbose mode prints a lot of information to the terminal screen.

Hi and thanks for helping me out. I made a screenshot of the installation output. Maybe this helps. If you tell me how to get more information I’ll try this out. I could also run some commands on putty so i could copy the output text here if this is better than the screenshots from my phone.



Can you install those packages successfully if you do it manually? Try

sudo apt install ...

And replace ... with the packages listed as to be installed.


I just installed the first package in the list (bc) which worked fine. Than I thought I try the install again and at the point where it normally failed a window poped up showing a percentage bar and that some things were installed. However I did not come until the final screen which should show me my login password for the web interface. I made this screenshot to show you the command line. How can I go on? Any ideas? I might need to install some more packages manually?



Are you able to connect to the internet on the device? Try running the install again

Hi. Yes it’s able to connect to the internet. But often the /etc/resolv.conf changes its entry to localhost ( I don’t know why but every time I try something I need to edit it again. But I managed to get the installer run again. It asked me if I want to change settings or if I want to reinstall. I chose reinstall and got the installer to finish. However no web portal was installed. Also after a reboot it’s not there. This is what I got as an output.


What is the output of sudo service dnsmasq status -l

That is what I got

While the resolv.conf file is using localhost, what is the output of these commands?

dig pi.hole

Herr we Go

Ok, run pihole -r to repair. One of your previous uploads didn't work, so share the output of this one.

Repaired it with the same behavior as before. No web interface. This is what I got

What does the FTL section of the repair look like?

Can you make a debug token now?

Yes. This time it worked.

[✓] Your debug token is: bj3hbcwbm7

Is it showing the Octoprint Web interface? Its Web server may simply be blocking port 80

Yes, the octoprint interface was and is working fine during my installation attempts of pi hole. I was worried about this could kill my octopi interface before but octopi is on and pi hole should have been on so I did not expect any problems there. Is there anyone out there running octopi and pi hole together on a pi?

Both web interfaces are wanting port 80 (Even if one is served on / and one from /admin). lighttpd will not be able to start as port 80 is already in use.