Problem with the correct operation of pihole 5.0

Hello, since yesterday I have a problem with the correct operation of pihole.

It seems to work and filters traffic (at least I see it on the main panel), but I can't log in to the administrative panel in the web interface at all. In the console, no command works, and after writing any I get something like this

pi@Pi-Zero:~ $ pihole -r
/usr/local/bin/pihole: linia 4: syntax error with unexpected tag `c'
/usr/local/bin/pihole: linia 4: `3 (c) 2017 Pi-hole, LLC ('

What could be wrong, this problem can be somehow solved ??

Something is wrong with you in/usr/local/bin/pihole
Line 4 should look like this

# (c) 2017 Pi-hole, LLC (

What did you do yesterday? Which version of Pihole are you running? On which system?

Actually, I did nothing and everything was fine. At night I had a power outage and although the pihole is connected to the UPS, the main router has reset. This morning I look and the status tab is "Unknown" instead of "Activ". So he reset the RPI, but it did nothing.

I use PiHole v 5.0 wagered on Raspberry Pi Zero.

Dirty fix without knowing what really happend:

Replace the content of your `/user/local/bin/pihole with this

Swapping files helped but partly (I don't know why but some of the characters in this file have been changed.

Unstable, despite entering the correct password, I cannot log in to the web palette.

If I use pihole -r will all statistics be deleted or not ??

Normally the should stay intact. You could backup pihole-FTL.db manually before.

after entering the address "" from the palace, it was possible to enter the administration panel but an error pops up

There was a problem applying your settings.
Debugging information:
PHP error (2): session_start(): Failed to read session data: files (path: /var/lib/php/sessions) in /var/www/html/admin/scripts/pi-hole/php/password.php:12

I've already done it but it doesn't help

Try pihole - r

Ehs, I think some fatal failure at pihole -r I get something like this

[i] Existing PHP installation detected : PHP version 7.3.14-1~deb10u1
  [i] Repair option selected
  [✓] Disk space check
  [✗] Update local cache of available packages
  Error: Unable to update package cache. Please try "apt-get update"

a przy sudo apt-get update

pi@Pi-Zero:~ $ sudo apt-get update
Stary:1 buster InRelease
Stary:2 buster InRelease
Reading package lists ... Error!
E: flAbsPath on / var / lib / dpkg / status failed - realpath (2: There is no such file or directory)
E: Could not open file - open (2: There is no such file or directory)
E: Problem opening
E: Failed to open or parse the contents of package lists.

Think your SD card might have become corrupt after this.

Best bet might be to reflash it at this point...

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