PlayStation 5 got frequent SSL Errors due to hostname resolution

There are still a few irregularities in your debug log, though I doubt that they would be related to your issue, as I'd expect those to affect all clients, not just your PS5.

Your debug log suggests your configuration has been successfully adopted for the correct interface name, but your Pi-hole's configured IP address does not match your actual IP:

*** [ DIAGNOSING ]: Network interfaces and addresses
       inet brd scope global dynamic noprefixroute 

Also, you've enabled Pi-hole's Conditional Forwarding for a local domain name of sunrise, while the actual local domain name propagated by your router is home:

*** [ DIAGNOSING ]: Discovering active DHCP servers (takes 10 seconds)
   Timeout: 10 seconds
   * Received 341 bytes from enxb827ebef84df:
     Offered IP address:
     DHCP options:
      Message type: DHCPOFFER (2)
         domain-name: "home"
      --- end of options ---

This could interfere with correct resolution of local names, i.e. those used by devices in your private home network.

Back to your observation:
Your initial screenshots suggests that Pi-hole could be involved by blocking a domain your PS5 is trying to access.

When this happens again, you should investigate your Pi-hole's Query Log for your PS5's corresponding DNS queries.
The following may also help:

I also noticed you've created a group named PS5, with no current block lists assigned.
You've also definded a single client using both the Default as well as the PS5 group:

*** [ DIAGNOSING ]: Clients
 id    group_ids  ip                  date_added           date_modified        comment
 ----  ---------  ------------------  -------------------  -------------------  -------
 3     0,1        BC:33:29:xx:xx:xx   2022-10-14 13:57:11  2022-10-14 13:57:18

If the intention of that group was to not filter your PS5, then you should remove the Default group assignment for that client.

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