Plans for V6 Installer wrt Unsupported OS and HW


  1. Will the official V6 installer script still have the PIHOLE_SKIP_OS_CHECK flag available for those of us wanting to use it on noncanonical OS's/platforms/hardware?

  2. Do you foresee any changes to the pihole -up update process?

  3. Will pihole-FTL continue to be the only compiled binary, with all the other components just scripts/tables/data, etc.?

I currently have V6 running nicely on an armel (Kirkwood SoC) device w/ 128MB RAM, Debian 13 (Trixie) - debootstrapped and tweaked it to get the optimum minimal base set (sysvinit and udhcp instead of defaults, no ipv6, database.maxDBdays = 1, etc.). As is, this setup can handle around a day-long sustained 15 q/s before it becomes "swap-swamped" - not a problem since this is a SOHO setting we'll never reach that threshold realistically.

2. No
3. Yes. We will now also generate a deb package during installation to handle dependency packages, but no new binaries.

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