Pinhole block ads only on wireguard vpn, not connected to my home wifi

Pihole blocks ads only on devices connected to WireGuard VPN

Hi team, let me explain what I have done. I deployed:

  • Portainer CE 2.19.4
    • pihole 5.17.3
    • WG-Easy (wireguard)

Both container were deployed using this compose:

version: "3.8"

      # ⚠️ Change the server's hostname (clients will connect to):

      # ⚠️ Change the Web UI Password:
      - PASSWORD=Passwordxxxxx

      # 💡 This is the Pi-Hole Container's IP Address
      - WG_DEFAULT_ADDRESS=10.8.0.x
    container_name: wg-easy
      - ~/.wg-easy:/etc/wireguard
      - "51820:51820/udp"
      - "51821:51821/tcp"
    restart: unless-stopped
      - NET_ADMIN
      - SYS_MODULE
      - net.ipv4.ip_forward=1
      - net.ipv4.conf.all.src_valid_mark=1

    image: pihole/pihole
    container_name: pihole
      # ⚠️ Change the Web UI Password:
      - WEBPASSWORD=Passwordxxxxx
      - '~/.pihole/etc-pihole:/etc/pihole'
      - './.pihole/etc-dnsmasq.d:/etc/dnsmasq.d'
      - "53:53/tcp"
      - "53:53/udp"
      - "5353:80/tcp"
    restart: unless-stopped

        - subnet:

This configure both container I the same network in order to move the vpn traffic pihole where an device is connect to it .

Everything deployed well and all of this within a raspberry pi 5, until I see that pihole is blocking ads only when I’m connected to the vpn and when I’m using my home WiFi without vpn, pihole doesn’t block ads.

I have configured raspberry pi ip address as my primary dns on my home router.

Within pihole, I can see the list of my lan devices I have (attached this).

Is there ways that i can configure within pihole or something like that, in order to allow pihole to block ads when I’m connected via vpn and disconnected but using my home wifi.

Test I did:
1- All devices connected to my wifi are getting raspi ip as dns. I browsed internet and all ads appears.

2- Connect a laptop to my smartphone internet as hotspot, enable the WireGuard vpn, I browsed again or refresh the same page and the ads disappeared.

3- I did the same exercise with my smartphone, connected through the WiFi all ads are present, using mobile data and connected to vpn , all ads gone.

4- I recently used macvlan because I see that could be useful to connect a virtual network to the container using a real ip from my LAN. But I see pihole look the IPs even macs of my devices, but doesn’t block the ads.

Apparently, your docker-compose works as intended by its author (quoting from Using WireGuard Easy with Pi Hole · wg-easy/wg-easy Wiki · GitHub):

By default, all connected clients will use Pi-Hole as DNS server.

So instead of using that docker-compose, you could try to configure Pi-hole in a different container, next to wg-easy's default setup, and point your wg-easy container's WG_DEFAULT_DNS to the your Pi-hole's IP.
However, it would depend on how wg-easy's makes use of WG_DEFAULT_DNS whether that would actually work.

As that is internal to wg-easy, you should consider to consult wg-easy's maintainer for support.

Hi thanks for your response, I think the issue is, apparently if I use a secondary DNS (required on my router) the traffic bypass pihole ads blocking when I am connected to my WIFI network.

Connected to wireguard vpn is working fine because, it is using just one ip address as DNS, which in my case is the pihole ip.

Let me repeat:
As per the docker-compose author's quote, the docker-compose you are using is designed to serve only Wireguard clients.

If you want your home network to make use Pi-hole, you have to use a different configuration.

You can try my suggestion above of running Pi-hole in a separate container, but if that doesn't work, you'd have to seek advice from wg-easy maintainers how to make their wireguard container to send its DNS traffic to a Pi-hole container that you want to serve Wireguard as well as your private home network.

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