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Hello everyone
I installed PiHole on an Ubuntu server (Ubuntu 18.04.3 LTS) inside a VM on FreeNas. I both putted an static ip on my Nas and my PiHole I can both ping to I can connect to the web ui and I can see it's blocking not so much queries (4 after a few hours after install). When I do pihole status in the server terminal I get it's blocking and the DNS service is running.
Expected Behaviour:
PiHole blocking ads
Actual Behaviour:
PiHole's web UI is werking fine and it says it's blocking queries but doesn't actually block things since i'm testing so called "adblock testers"
Your debug log shows that Pi-Hole is correctly receiving and blocking domains, but it does not appear to be getting many requests, as you noted. This usually indicates a configuration problem in your router or network clients, resulting in them using a DNS other than Pi-Hole.
From the terminal or command prompt on a client that you believe is using Pi-Hole, run the following command and post the output:
nslookup pi.hole
If the client is a PC, post the output of the following and also indicate which of the interfaces the PC is using:
Do I just have to do nslookup pi.hole or do nslookup pi.hole (and ip here pi hole) because I get something random of my internet provider that i can't find pi.hole and says "Non-existent domain" and when I do it with the ip I get it found a pihole server with the static ip i gave it and then ipv6 address but what do you need exactly of the ipconfig /all because I don't what is safe to give and what not
This is the correct command to type. From your description, that client is not using Pi-Hole for DNS. Since it isn't using Pi-Hole DNS, the DNS resolver cannot resolve the domain pi.hole, since that is only known by the Pi-Hole itself.
When a client is properly configured for Pi-Hole, the output of the command will look something like this. The DNS server that responded was Pi-Hole at IP 155, and the correct answer for the IP of the domain pi.hole is also 155, since that is the same device.
Your router is providing an alternate DNS IP to the clients. Check all the router settings and disable IPv6 on the router as well. IPv6 is a frequent cause of DNS bypasses.
This is the correct output. The domain is blocked on the default Pi-Hole block lists, so the correct reply is and the matching IPv6 reply for NULL. Pi-Hole is correctly configured for use on this client.
I would try instead to load a domain that is known to have a lot of ads that can be blocked by Pi-Hole. is such a domain.
If you do see ads there or on other sites, here are some tools to help find out where the ads are served from.
Hello everyone, did you get the answer you want? However, I have a small question to ask you if it is possible. Thank you for your return ï Force to us. Sincerely