PiHole + VPN

I'm kinda new to a lot of this,
But i was wondering, Is there a way to still use PiHole, And also connect to a VPN maybe on a VPS in order to mask my public ip address? So that way, The whole network is behind the VPN and all requests appear to be from the VPS?

This might be a silly idea, but just wondering.

It is theoretically possible but you'd have to fight the DNS network parameters pushed by the VPN provider.

See this post:

Ok thanks, your help is much appreciated.

You probably want to install pi hole right on your VPS. I use a VPS with OpenVPN and Strongswan. I've got OpenVPN tested and working with PC and Phone, pushing the openvpn server IP as the DNS IP, but Strongswan DNS not working for unknown reasons on Phone but works on PC. Go figure.

Note, the pi hole installer script doesn't seem to handle public, static IPv4 IP addresses (tested with Centos), so you probably need to modify the install script to not abort when it fails to set the already set static IP.

Pi hole wiki

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