With the Pihole v6 Alpine docker images means this that we can (maybe now in beta?) install pihole on baremetal alpine?
You'll need to add bash
at the bare minimum but the only way to know for sure is to try.
Yea and no.
Take a look over the docker file to see how we set it up, which basically "manually" runs specific parts of the install script
Thanks! I think stay with container. Alpine as VM and Docker together are so lightweight, that i don't really feel a difference (when used network_mode: host).
An awesome thanks for the work and alpine Container
Probably a good decision, much easier to keep up to date than having to manually go through the install steps each time
Would it be possible to "convert" the dockerfile to a simple shell script to make life easier for us Alpine Linux user?
I don't use Docker (my Alpine Linux vm is in a jail on FreeBSD) so it would be really helpful!
Copy paste from a Reddit question asking the same thing:
Yes and no.
The no part:
The install script will not allow you to install on Alpine, as it is not officially supported on a bare metal system. That's not to say it wont in the future - it's just not a focus currently. I imagine the number of people running Alpine on bare metal is relatively minimal.
The yes part:
Pi-hole will run on Alpine, but you would need to manually configure everything. Things like the update script etc would not work.
The docker image is switching from a Debian base to an Alpine base - it should be farely trivial to manually follow what the Dockerfile is doing... or you could also just install Docker and run the container version
The question stemmed from that thread, actually, where you suggested to follow what the dockerfile was doing.
I took a peek inside and it looked to me like a series of commands which could be translated to a bash script for bare metal installation, hence my question on converting it.
My current situation is that I installed pihole a long time ago via yvelon / pi-hole · GitLab but with the last update it half-borked the installation because the FTL and "main" pihole stayed at the "custom" version and the web part updated at v6.
My fix was to manually download the official v6 FTL because I figured that now that Docker image is using Alpine, the newer FTL builds are probably compatible "out of the box", which was the case.
I then had to redo part of the configuration via the web interface and it is now working.
The only thing that I don't really like much is that now I have the "base" pihole stuck at commit 0c6b70fa of yvelon / pi-hole · GitLab and the web interface and FTL at the latest "official" v6 and everytime I update I have to manually update the FTL by downloading it and replacing it (which I can definitely script it when running pihole -up, but still).
I don't know what yvelon has done with his pihole fork, but now that "official" FTL and webUI are working out of the box with Alpine, how hard would it be to make it completely compatible?
Some additional changes would still be needed in the main Pi-hole repo for it to work.
The main issues I can think of:
- package manager support, would need
adding - service/systemd scripts - are they nessacerily compatible with an OOTB alpine install?
- update scripts etc may not work due to
dependency. In an ideal world we would make all the scripts posix compliant, but it's a lot of work!
Although the Docker image is now running on alpine, it's not following the bare metal installation methods, i.e we set it up manually and don't worry about any of the incidental scripts/service wrappers etc - and we can do this because each release is self-contained and is updated by replacing the entire image.
Not saying it's impossible, it's just probably not a priority at this stage