PiHole update terminated unexpectedly

Today while updating my beta installation, the update sequence failed unexpectedly while at the step where it downloads and parses the lists and saves them to the db.
Instead it just showed me the help text for a command. I don't remember which command it was as I had to restart the PiHole because my whole network went down.
In my history of using the PiHole for over 7 years, this is the first time ever I have seen this issue. I suspect that some command in the update script has a wrong syntax or something.

I have uploaded the debug log at: https://tricorder.pi-hole.net/oMmM4uQA/

I'm not sure if it would have captured the issue, but here it is if it helps in any way.

Thanks. Unfortunately, the debug log didn't contain anything unusual, but there was a bug fixed around the same time. Maybe it was just a coincidence but still sorry you've had issues! (and that it took so long to review and reply here)

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Thanks. I haven't faced any issues since then, so I guess this might have been fixed.