PiHole + Unbound VM "Temporary Failure in name resolution"

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Expected Behaviour:

I'm running PiHole with Unbound in an Ubuntu 18 virtual machine hosted on Proxmox and set it up as an " All-Around DNS Solution" as per the official docs: Redirecting... . I also virtualize pfsense which acts as my router, is set to DNS forwarding and handles DHCP.

Actual Behaviour:

Pi-Hole will periodically fail to resolve and throw a "Temporary failure in name resolution" when I go to ping google.com . attempting pihole -r , it fails during FTL Checks when it gets to Downloading and Installing FTL where it cannot find the URL and then I get "FTL Engine not installed."

A reboot consistently fixes this issue, but it always returns within a couple of hours. I was initially using cloudflared forr DoH but switched to unbound as the recursive resolver hoping it would address this issue, but it has not.

Debug Token:

Could not upload debug log so I retrieved it and uploaded it to the hastebin. Link here has full debug log in the non-working state. hastebin

I then rebooted and generated a new debug token where it's "working".

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