I've had to change the ip address of pihole due to conflict, added pihole to dhcp reservation list, added the pihole ip address to dns static assigned, pihoile still not blocking anything. Have I missed something?
Pihole is connected to ethernet to the network, would there be any conflict with wifi? is/does pihole broadcast over wifi even though it's hardwired? When going through setup I chose eth0.
(For your own privacy and security, please do not post your full, unsanitised debug log output here. When providing a debug token, please post just the token that is shown once the debug finishes, preferably by copy and paste.)
Your debug log shows your Pi-hole to be operational, having received and blocked 10,498 out of 20,152 DNS queries so far:
[2020-09-27 19:40:40.434 8267M] Imported 20152 queries from the long-term database
*** [ DIAGNOSING ]: contents of /var/log
-rw-r--r-- 1 pihole pihole 26373 Sep 27 20:25 /var/log/pihole-FTL.log
-----tail of pihole-FTL.log------
[2020-09-27 19:40:40.435 8267M] -> Total DNS queries: 20152
[2020-09-27 19:40:40.436 8267M] -> Cached DNS queries: 3741
[2020-09-27 19:40:40.436 8267M] -> Forwarded DNS queries: 5913
[2020-09-27 19:40:40.436 8267M] -> Blocked DNS queries: 10498
[2020-09-27 19:40:40.436 8267M] -> Unknown DNS queries: 0
[2020-09-27 19:40:40.436 8267M] -> Unique domains: 553
[2020-09-27 19:40:40.436 8267M] -> Unique clients: 20
Also, ads that are served by a site via the same domain as the content cannot be blocked by a DNS filter like Pi-hole, unless you are willing to block that site's content also. Youtube would be the prime example for such a site.
Apologies for my previous post; thanks for enlightening me. I have a question, how do browser plugins like addblocker block adverts on youtube but pihole is unable?
They inspect the content at the URL level, including the path. They can also inspect JavaScript elements, keywords in the path or code being delivered to the browser.