Pihole still blocking google play store

Please follow the below template, it will help us to help you!

Expected Behaviour:

Google Play store should be working even while pihole is used since android.clients.google.com
and clients1-6.google.com are whitelisted

Actual Behaviour:

If pihole is used as the dns, the playstore complains about not having a wifi connection.
if pihole is disabled or bypassed playstore wirks

Debug Token:


I don't have an Android device to test on, but have you tailed the log to determine what domain(s) may need to be whitelisted?

Did you also make sure your cache has been flushed?

I am fairly certain the domains i unblocked are the once used by the playstore. The only one showing up in the logs is Clients.Android.google. com though.

I flushed the cache without mich success and i restarted pihole. No luck there either.

Than i decided to run pihole -r and repair my pihole instance.

Since then, Google play works again.
Thank you

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