Pi-hole blocks all incoming ads while still allowing for the wifi and network to be properly used
Actual Behaviour:
Pi-hole doesn’t allow internet to actually work, for example it will say i’m connected but won’t load a page or something. works just fine when i revert back to the normal dns settings on my router. i’m using a orange pi pc running ubuntu. i’m not sure if that affects things or not...
...no. literally every page won’t load. imagine being in airplane mode, but still connected to the wifi. it’s not just doing what it’s supposed to. the wifi does not work what so ever. theres not a connection to the internet. if you try and load something it won’t load. this is across every device on the network. do i need to clarify anything else?
Your debug log shows zero traffic to the Pi-hole. It appears that DNS queries are not making it to Pi-hole. Check for firewalls that would block port 53 traffic, and check your router settings as well.
[2020-11-08 22:57:14.314 962M] Imported 0 queries from the long-term database
[2020-11-08 22:57:14.316 962M] -> Total DNS queries: 0
[2020-11-08 22:57:14.316 962M] -> Cached DNS queries: 0
[2020-11-08 22:57:14.316 962M] -> Forwarded DNS queries: 0
[2020-11-08 22:57:14.316 962M] -> Blocked DNS queries: 0
[2020-11-08 22:57:14.316 962M] -> Unknown DNS queries: 0
[2020-11-08 22:57:14.317 962M] -> Unique domains: 0
[2020-11-08 22:57:14.317 962M] -> Unique clients: 0
[2020-11-08 22:57:14.317 962M] -> Known forward destinations: 0
From a client that you believe should be connected to the Pi-Hole for DNS, from the command prompt or terminal on that client (and not via ssh or Putty to the Pi), what is the output of
that’s what it says. i generated another debug log because i might have had that disconnected from my network at the time of debugging. https://tricorder.pi-hole.net/fwbpekcyf1
oh wait you said from a client. okay so i did that from my computer which is connected to the pihole.
[2020-11-09 21:17:23.463 11718M] -> Total DNS queries: 91770
[2020-11-09 21:17:23.463 11718M] -> Cached DNS queries: 5814
[2020-11-09 21:17:23.463 11718M] -> Forwarded DNS queries: 72277
[2020-11-09 21:17:23.463 11718M] -> Blocked DNS queries: 13679
[2020-11-09 21:17:23.463 11718M] -> Unknown DNS queries: 0
[2020-11-09 21:17:23.464 11718M] -> Unique domains: 2584
[2020-11-09 21:17:23.464 11718M] -> Unique clients: 4
[2020-11-09 21:17:23.464 11718M] -> Known forward destinations: 5
Your client is using your router as upstream DNS server which forwards the request to pihole. This is a valid setup, but you might miss out some features of pihole (like group management) as all client DNS requests are coming from your router (from pihole's perspective). If you want to change that, announce pihole's IP as DNS server via DHCP.
It's very different for every router out there. Unless a user has the same router/modem, you'll not have much luck. What brand/type is your router? Do you have screenshots of your router's setting menu to share with us?
Okay so i have 2 routers (kinda). i have the normal one that verizon gives you, but i also have a google wifi, which is a mesh network. if actually allows me to get wifi throughout the house lol.