Hi all,
I just configured a fresh PiHole and use PiHole running as DHCP.
This is because I do not seem to be able to let NETGEAR ORBI run as DHCP with PiHole.
Everything if working so far, ads are being blocked, however, only a third of my devices have proper client names. the other ones are either the IP or unkown.
Is there a way to change that? I tried editing the hosts list but it did not change anything on PiHoles end.
Please upload a debug log and post just the token URL that is generated after the log is uploaded by running the following command from the Pi-hole host terminal:
thanks a lot for the note and sorry for the late reply. I fixed the double DHCP and set up everything accordingly, flushed the client list and set my lease to renew every hour to get old ips removed, however there still are some IPs showing up as unknown.
I added another debug file in case anything looks off. thanks again for your help!