Pihole on Docker always shows old Docker Tag value

PiHole is functional as DNS and DHCP, but 'update available' is always displayed for 'Pihole_Docker_Tag, currently showing 2022.07.01, but latest PiHole image replacement is not updating that value to latest 2022.09.2

Core system is Asustore NimbuStore AS5304T, 8GByte RAM, running Docker and Portainer CE, with 'ouroboros' updater (PiHole updates ignored). I am new to Linux and containers, >15 yrs as WinTel admin on secure military systems.

Updated core Asustore s/w as the updates become available. Ouroboros updates itself and Portainer CE without issue; piHole updated thru full manual container replacement process, using volume bindings to dedicated share with full admin access.

This is not a problem with pi-hole image.


When you started the old image (2022.07.1), a few Environment Variables were created, including PIHOLE_DOCKER_TAG=2022.07.1.

The problem happens when Portainer starts a new container using a new image, but "reuse" the same ENV VARs created before.

The new image (now 2022.09.2) will run, but Portainer will overwrite the variable with the old value.
The image functionality won't be affected, but the text will be the old one, causing a confusion.

Portainer even have a warning on the top of the page:

If you are using Portainer, ALWAYS remove all environment variables and re-add only the needed ones before start a new container using a previous config.

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