Pihole not receiving DNS requests

Debug token: https://tricorder.pi-hole.net/9x4egmv0z1

PiHole deployed in a docker container on my RaspberryPi host.

I've successfully deployed pihole following this guide here http://networktoolbox.de/pi-hole/ but I've changed the port binding as 85:80 and 445:443 as ports 80 and 443 are already in use by Caddy on my host machine (I use caddy to reverse proxy several services). I've not binded port 67 as I am not interested in DHCP functionalities.

Pihole seems to work smoothly as I can access the admin panel and it is correctly filtering the raspberrypi itself web connections.

I want to use PiHole on my Windows laptop so I've changed my DNS1: (LAN ip of the raspberrypi) and DNS2:

Since Windows can't have different DNS for each WiFi connection I'm using the RaspberryPi (with PiHole running) as a primary DNS for when I'm home and the common google DNS as a secondary DNS for the occasions that I'm elsewhere so that the primary will fail and the secondary dns will be used.

My PiHole network panel shows:

( is the docker ip)

I'd expect to see my laptop too there.

This may not produce the behavior you want. If the Google DNS is available, the Windows PC is free to use it at all times.

Eliminate the DNS and see if this resolves the problem.