Pihole not connecting to any devices

Hello I'm honestly very stuck on what I need to fix to get it working. I'm running a Raspberry pi 4 4gb, using unbuntu 20.4 64bit and running pihole via docker and followed this video to install the docker The Ultimate 64bit Raspberry Pi 4 Docker Host? (Ubuntu 20.04, Docker Compose, Portainer, NetData) - YouTube and then used the docker compose function to create the pihole from the github from the pihole docker version. After doing all of that I was able to get to the admin page and do everything but once I tried to get a device to connect nothing works and the only queries are from local and that was after I followed a video to install unbound and some other weird thing. Here's the code when I went into portainer and went into console and used debug command. https://tricorder.pi-hole.net/2r0hbfau4f

If there's an easy fix for this that's great but if not I'm fully prepared to restart everything if need be. I'd prefer for it to be in a docker but if that's too much work I'll go thru the vanilla route on any OS .

From your description, it is unclear what your actual issue is.

It is absolutely normal and to be expected that Pi-hole doesn't connect to any devices. Instead, it's the devices that contact Pi-hole for DNS resolution.

A Docker Pi-hole container is meant to be run as-is.
Any changes you apply to a container won't survive a restart, unless it's configuration information stored in volumes shared with your host OS, like Pi-hole's recommended bind-mounts.

Depending on your chosen Docker network mode, it would also be normal that all entries in Pi-hole's Query Log would originate from your Docker host.

After another day of looking for alternative methods I found the portainer templates and that installation worked perfectly I do think the problem lies with a Incorrect network configuration and I was also trying to get a static ip via the pi itself and not from my router so also getting the static ip from my router might've helped bt thanks for the response.
TLDR: used portainer template to make correct network installation and getting static ip from router.