Pihole is not blocking ads according to regex

Expected Behaviour:

I've added a regex rule for the domain adnxs.com:

I expect this to block all DNS request for this domain and any subdomain used with it.

Actual Behaviour:

When I look at the log in Pihole i see that it's not blocking what I think it should block:

Debug Token:


##DHCP settings
These are the DHCP settings in my network router. The IP is the Raspberry Pi running Pihole.

##Network settings
These are the network settings for the Windows 10 machine using Pihole as a DNS.

You've applied the regex to the default group.

Client is a member of group Dat.. and Th... but not default. (Group membership 1 and 6).

The only client in the default group is

You'll need to apply that regex to the groups that you want it blocked on, or add the required clients to the default group.

Ah! Thanks for pointing that out!
I must have misinterpreted the use of groups since I thought it's primary use was to be able to filter statistics. I didn't realize it was a part of the actual DNS filtering as well.

I was going crazy here - have used Pihole for many years now and didn't understand what was going on. But now I understand. Thanks for solving this problem for me!

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