pihole-FTL.conf: No such file or directory

Please follow the below template, it will help us to help you!

Expected Behaviour:

No warning sent to me via e-mail nightly

Actual Behaviour:

I'm getting the following e-mail from cron nightly since I upgraded to the new FTLDNS.

Cron root@blackhole PATH="$PATH:/usr/local/bin/" pihole flush once quiet
sed: can't read /etc/pihole/pihole-FTL.conf: No such file or directory

Debug Token:


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the named file is optional. It only exists (after your manual creation) if you would like to change some of the default settings:

But maybe the devs should check if this is however an issue.

Thanks for the reply. Yeah it doesn't seem to be causing any issues, and I'm happy to ignore it (or even created an empty file). Just figured it might be worth reporting since this is beta for the new FTLDNS.

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The file is indeed option, but FTL never complained about it prior. Perhaps @DL6ER wants to check that.

It doesn't seem like FTL complained. but rather that pihole -f complained. I agree, this warning should be silenced. It seems to be present in development as well. I think it is this line @jacob.salmela :


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