Pihole Freeze


My dear, I'm having trouble accessing my graphical interface. After upgrading to new version Pi-hole v5.11.4 FTL v5.16.3 Web Interface v5.13.
Every time when right on Pihole the screen freezes (I noticed that this is when the graphics open).

Anyone going through this??

Please upload a debug log and post just the token URL that is generated after the log is uploaded by running the following command from the Pi-hole host terminal:

pihole -d

or do it through the Web interface:

Tools > Generate Debug Log

Also, please provide the output of the following commands from the Pi terminal:

echo ">stats >quit" | nc localhost 4711

echo ">top-clients withzero (15) >quit" | nc localhost 4711

You have a very high number of 'ANY' type queries. That's usually indicative of an open resolver that is being actively used in a dDOS attack.

Logs.txt (39.6 KB)

You're running an open resolver.

Sorry for not having the log in the message body (I'm a beginner and I can't put much content yet).

Yes, my pihole is not local but in a VM in another country.

Are you using a VPN to connect to it?

Negative, access is direct.
If possible, lead me to best practices I would appreciate it.

Best practice is to shut it down immediately. It's been abused by a bot net already, running an DNS amplification attack.


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