Your debug log shows that Pi-Hole is correctly responding to DNS requests.
*** [ DIAGNOSING ]: Name resolution (IPv4) using a random blocked domain and a known ad-serving domain
[✓] is via localhost (
[✓] is via Pi-hole (
[✓] is via a remote, public DNS server (
The log also shows that two clients have been using the Pi-Hole in the previous 24 hours. If there are more clients, then there is likely a configuration problem with the docker configuration, router or clients, and the DNS requests for those clients are not going to Pi-Hole.
[2019-01-20 08:12:35.884] Imported 6641 queries from the long-term database
[2019-01-20 08:12:35.884] -> Total DNS queries: 6641
[2019-01-20 08:12:35.884] -> Cached DNS queries: 2605
[2019-01-20 08:12:35.884] -> Forwarded DNS queries: 3535
[2019-01-20 08:12:35.884] -> Exactly blocked DNS queries: 501
[2019-01-20 08:12:35.884] -> Unknown DNS queries: 0
[2019-01-20 08:12:35.884] -> Unique domains: 635
[2019-01-20 08:12:35.884] -> Unique clients: 2
[2019-01-20 08:12:35.884] -> Known forward destinations: 4
Queries are shown coming from IP in the bit of the /var/log/pihole.log included in your debug log
Jan 20 00:00:35 dnsmasq[103283]: query[A] from
Jan 20 00:02:37 dnsmasq[103283]: query[A] from
Ok. Thx. But on every device I‘m using, icluding the Pi-Hole-Server itself, I‘m getting ads. Tested here: [Mod Edit: Link no longer available]. Also I added the DNS Server manually on my iPhone and iMac to get sure but no effects.
This indicates that the DNS queries are not going to the Pi-Hole. Use these tools in the thread below and they will help you determine why you are seeing ads. The query log and /var/log/pihole.log will have all the DNS queries received by Pi-Hole, along with the response from Pi-Hole. If you open a web page while you tail the pihole.log, and see no traffic in the pihole.log, then the DNS requests are going to somewhere other than Pi-Hole.
Thank you for your response. Setting the DNS on the devices manually didn't help either. I'm using an Asus Repeater RP-AC68U and Pihole is hosted on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS on Azure.
Do you have any idea what could possibly be wrong and how do I further troubleshoot?
I would put your network DNS on Cloudflare or Google DNS and put a single client on the Pi-Hole to start. Then use the tools in the referenced thread to see if the ads are coming through Pi-Hole.
What are you seeing on one of the test domains? URL and screen snaps if you can provide them.
Okay I just got that chance to try that, and visited the Pi Hole test AD Page which very well showed some ADs and here's the audit result:
Jan 24 15:28:35 dnsmasq[106589]: query[A] from
Jan 24 15:28:35 dnsmasq[106589]: forwarded to
Jan 24 15:28:35 dnsmasq[106589]: reply is
Jan 24 15:28:35 dnsmasq[106589]: query[A] from
Jan 24 15:28:35 dnsmasq[106589]: cached is
I've also cleared DNS and browser cache on the device used to perform these tests.
This latest debug log again shows that the Pi-Hole is blocking domains that are on the gravity list and is properly responding to DNS requests:
*** [ DIAGNOSING ]: Name resolution (IPv4) using a random blocked domain and a known ad-serving domain
[✓] is via localhost (
[✓] is via Pi-hole (
[✓] is via a remote, public DNS server (
If you are seeing ads (and please provide some screen shots and URL's so we can attempt to duplicate what you are seeing), it is because either (1) the ad-serving domains are not blocked, or (2) the clients are finding a way around Pi-Hole.
Of further interest (and this was in your previous debug log as well), you are getting DNS requests from an IP address that is not on your LAN (it maps to Singapore is publicly accessible). Are you running Pi-Hole on a local device inside your network or on a VPS or other remote device?
Jan 24 00:00:11 dnsmasq[82184]: query[A] from
Now as I mentioned earlier, I've had my Asus repeater's DNS IP set to that of the PiHole which seems to responding correctly based on the results of the nslookup query:
From your previous description, ads have never been completely blocked by this Pi-Hole. That indicates that your devices are bypassing Pi-Hole and getting the ad domains from another DNS source. This typically is caused by a router configuration problem.
Do you have IPv6 enabled on your router and clients? That is a common cause for Pi-Hole bypasses.