Pihole Docker Swarm nfs mounted subfolder in a Portainer stack

Hi All,

Im trying deploy pi-hole in a portainer stack in a docker swarm. No mounting hte NFS4 share is not the issue as i have the at working, the issue arrives when I try mount a secnd subfolder within the original NFS share. As you may or may no not know, but pi-hole has two volumes that must be mounted, the sceond is a subfolder with in the priamry fold.

The error:

Thanks in advance!

This is a Portainer/Docker configuration issue.

You should consider to consult their documentation and support as well.

Meanwhile, I've switched your post to Community Help. :wink:

Thanks, switching to community meas that the public can answer?

The public can answer any posts. The topic of your post is appropriate for the Community Help category.

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Im not even sure if thats correct, I assumed it made sense. How do poeple mount nfs shares in docker swarm for apps that have more than one share? Mounting two shares makes no sense, mounting one and allow for subfolders makes sense. Where is the best pleace to post to get a answer on this?

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