Pihole DNS No Internet/Web Interface Not Working Outside VM

Please follow the below template, it will help us to help you!

Expected Behaviour:

Pihole running and blocking ads, web interface reachable

Actual Behaviour:

After replacing router DNS from auto to Pihole DNS, devices report "connected, no internet" and web interface at either pi.hole/admin or ""/admin don't work

pi.hole/admin error: pi.hole's server IP address could not be found
""/admin error: took too long to respond, or refused to connect

These issues don't appear on the VM

Debug Token:


Set pihole up in VMware running Ubuntu 16.04, installation ran successfully, changed DNS to given number post installation, after saving changes on router settings devices report no internet when connected to network. Attempting to go to web interface via pi.hole/admin or ip/admin results in error.

Attempting to use the internet/the Pihole web interface on the VM itself works fine, ads are blocked and the interface is reachable.

let's start with the funky one ... is actually a running DNS service (a public IP) and you will never be able to access it since it belongs to Cloudflare:

Based on your debug log, you would access the admin interface from outside the VM with

That will work only if you have port 80 open in the VM environment.

Also, DNS requests require port 53.

If you want to use the visualized Pi-hole as your DNS, you need to make sure that port 53 in your VM is also accessible from outside the virtual environment,

Sorry, that was confusing, I put as a placeholder, I was trying to access it using when getting the error

Working on the port opening, unfortunately VMware doesn't have super clear instructions on how to do that

You wouldn't happen to have any idea where to look, would you?

It probably resides under your firewall settings, on your VM OS.

Ok so from my understanding, I've updated the firewall to include rules to allow incoming connections to ports 80 and 53. Prior to this, the firewall wasn't active at all, by default

If the ports were successfully opened, I should be able to log in to the web interface via the ip/admin, right?

You'd have to find out why the requests are not hitting your VM environment.

Pi-hole sounds like it's working as expected, within the VM.

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Yeah, not sure how though. I'm almost positive I have ports 80 and 53 open now, pihole seems to be running dns services (both marked LISTEN under the firewall) and I've opened 80 and 53 on both tcp/udp from anywhere, as well as the pihole ip specifically. Still no dice

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