Pihole dhcp don't give a name for ios devices

pihole dhcp doesn't resolve name ios/ipad os 17+, it block ads on all devices but i don't get .lan on home screen top devices. People say to disable an option in wifi settings but even with this it doesnt work... my main routeur dhcp detect all ios devices but don't allow me to use custom dns that's why i use dhcp with pihole

i have latest pihole installed

**what i changed after installation : i only enabled dhcpv4 rapid commit which helped to resolve devices under ios/ipad os 17 **

I have the same combination and it does work. In iOS it's Settings > Wi-Fi > tap the next to the network name to which you are attached > set Private Wi-Fi Address to Off

Once that's done, my phone appears in Pi-hole as its name from Settings > General > About > Name with the suffix .lan because that is the suffix I have configured in Pi-hole's Settings > DHCP > Pi-hole domain name.

Eg, Chris's iPhone shows as Chriss-iPhone.lan

If that iOS setting is not disabled then the phone appears as a nameless client with a made-up MAC address. It's enabled by default and set on a per-network basis, so you can disable it on trusted networks so that things like Pi-hole can see the correct info, and leave it untouched and enabled for other networks where you can benefit from the cloaking it provides.

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It worked, thanks for insisting on it, first time i did it gave me the name of my ipad with wrong ip and the real ip of my ipad as unknown. Then i deleted them from the list then disabled my ipad wifi then connected back and it worked, no second unknown device, 1 device with real ip.

But at home my familly have tons of iphones, soo if they dont do these steps and dont get .lan, can something wrong happen ? Becuase blocking ads looks working even without .lan.

A handy way to confirm it too is to note the MAC address of the iPhone's wifi adapter. You can get this on the phone from Settings > General > About > scroll down to Wi-Fi Address. Or you can see it when you go to Settings > Wi-Fi > tap the next to the network name to which you are attached > set Private Wi-Fi Address to Off and it's listed just under that setting.

Then look at the device in Pi-hole in Tools > Network and you'll see it has that same MAC address, because you've turned off the privacy feature for your home network so that proper MAC address is now being used.

No, there's no problems. They'll still pick up network details via DHCP and that will mean they are using Pi-hole for DNS. The only difference will be that you will see a seemingly random looking MAC address, instead of the proper MAC address like above, in your Pi-hole network list and it won't identify as the named device. But it will still be using Pi-hole and having ad-blocking just fine.

If you imagine you were a third-party wifi provider (like a coffee shop) and didn't know this device, you can see how the iPhone's wifi privacy feature helps stop you from seeing that it's an iPhone and its name.

Thanks for clarification, all is okey now

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