Running Pihole and PIVPN on a RPI for a while now with no issues. Talkatone is running on a couple of Android devices. Talkatone would connect and the ads would come thru. Recently blocked ports 53 TCP / UDP and 853 TCP / UDP under firewall -> Network services filter, which I believe Prevents devices from Bypassing the PIHOLE. If I connect to the Cellular network or Disable the Pihole Talkatone will connect and send the message.
I have searched but did not see any suggestions as to what to Whitelist to allow Talkatone to connect to its servers.?
BTW the ads at the bottom still show as I had to open googleads to allow the family to clickthru on the shopping links in google Search
Anyhelp with what needs to be opened would be greatly Appreciated
As Talkatone works on the phone the Adam one Solution would not work. I did a pihole -t | Grep <phones's IP> .and have captured the requests from the phone. Will try to open each one and see if that sorts the issue. .
Here is the list. Not sure if these are related to Just Talkatone or some other apps trying to access the Net in the background at the same time.