Pi-hole V6 using http instead of https

Hello, Is there a way to use Pi-hole V6 over http instead of https ?

Thank you

Did you try using http://pi.hole/admin ?

Is there an error message or something wrong?

Hello, going to http://pi.hole/admin/ returns a 403 Forbidden message.

Please upload a debug log and post just the token URL that is generated after the log is uploaded by running the following command from the Pi-hole host terminal:

pihole -d

Debug token is: http://tricorder.pi-hole.net/UpzMdKLx/

The issue is you have lighttpd running on port 80 (probably a leftover from a previous Pi-hole v5 install).

If you need to keep lighttpd, you have 2 options:

  1. change lighttpd port (to something different than 80) or
  2. change pihole port.

If you are not using lighttpd, you can safely disabled it (or even uninstall it) and restart pihole-FTL.


I just noticed you are already using port 8080 for pihole-FTL (I think this is automatically set when port 80 is in use):

     port = "8080,[::]:8080,443s,[::]:443s" ### CHANGED, default = "80,[::]:80,443s,[::]:443s"

You can access the web interface using using http://pi.hole:8080/admin.

If you want to use port 80, you will need to disable lighttpd and change /etc/pihole/pihole.toml to use port 80.

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Thank you I will give the disable/uninstall a try. Is there an easy way/instructions on how to do that ?


This command will uninstall lighttpd:

sudo apt remove lighttpd
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Thank you.

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That’s awesome, thank you.

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