Pi Hole stopped receiving DNS queries


My Pi Hole suddenly stopped receiving DNS queries. No new entries in dashboard or in query logs.
I tried flushing network table, restarting DNS resolver, rebooting Pi Hole. No luck.
I have also changed router to not use Pi Hole DNS (works with non Pi Hole DNS), but when changing on router to use Pi Hole DNS - no requests reaches Pi Hole and clients do not get resolved addresses.
Currently I use only one Pi Hole instance as primary and secondary DNS.

I checked debug log, but can't see obvious issues.

Debug Token:


How do you make clients in your network use Pi-hole as DNS server?

Your debug log suggests that there is no DHCP server on the same link as your Pi-hole host machine that is answering to client's DHCP broadcasts :

*** [ DIAGNOSING ]: Discovering active DHCP servers (takes 10 seconds)
   Scanning all your interfaces for DHCP servers
   DHCP packets received on interface wlan0: 0
   DHCP packets received on interface lo: 0

This also means we do not know what your router is handing out as DNS server via DHCP.

Looks like I resolved the issue at least for now.

I am using router's DHCP and IP-v4 address of Pi Hole is allocated correctly, but IP-v6 (GUA) address of it has changed. I had to change router's settings to use new IP-v6 DNS address of Pi Hole.

So the issue is not with Pi Hole, but my router.

If the issue persists in long term, I'll try switching from router's DHCP to Pi Hole's DHCP.

GUA addresses frequently will change from the ISP.

Suggest that you use ULA

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Thanks. I wasn't aware of that. That explains everything.

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