Pi-hole set up through True Nas Plugin

I am setting up my home lab and decided to run true nas scale as my main OS. One of the first things I decided to do was install the Pi-hole plugin and try to get going. When I receive this error. interface eth0 does not currently exist. My system has 2 8 core xenon Cpu's 192 GB ram, 7 TB of storage, and True nas as the os with pi- hole running as a plugin.

I have no clue how to do anything in the shell option that it gives me inside of true nas. I went into my router and told the dns to use the ip address that shows in the bar as I access my pi web interface. It still does not show anything being done on my pi. I have a Netgear router. And i have also updated my gravity list.


You don't have a eth0 network interface. Your log shows you are on enp2s0f0 with IP address (and subnet /24).

Run pihole -r and select Reconfigure and go through the setup again, selecting this interface (don't worry, it won't reset your adlists). Make sure, too, that this instance has that IP address dedicated to it so it doesn't change.

You should also note that TrueNAS isn't supported by Pi-hole (and neither is FreeBSD, which TrueNAS is based on).

This also means that Pi-hole does not offer a plug-in for TrueNAS.

Where did you acquire that plug-in from?

This is the catalog URl that I see on true nas scale it came default on my installation of True Nas scale

When I go into true nas I can access the shell from 2 places that i know of one gives me this

The other way I know how to access the Cmd line is this

You mistyped the command.

However, it wouldn't have worked as expected anyway.
Your catalog link and the screenshots seem to suggest that the plugin you are using would leverage some kind of virtualisation, probably running containers.

I'm guessing here, but the plugin may be using Pi-hole's Docker image at its core.

Containers are to be configured via container startup parameters and environment variables - see Pi-hole's Docker documentation for details.

As that plugin was neither created nor endorsed by the Pi-hole team, you may have to involve the maintainers for support on how to correctly configure your TrueNAS Pi-hole virtualisation environment.

So being so new to the HomeLab and virtualization and pi-hole and github, being that I have their github is there a way to ask questions within there? Or another option would it be better if I installed a VM on True nas and then tried to run Pi-hole that way? Then I would be able to find help in here better.

Sorry, I cannot answer that. :frowning:

I am not familiar with TrueNAS at all, but I'd expect the catalog home page for that TrueNAS plugin to list specific support options?

As chrislph has pointed out, you'd need to adjust the network interface for your Pi-hole to enp2s0f0.
For a Pi-hole Docker container, you would do so simply by setting the INTERFACE environment variable.

If you do not find an obvious way how to apply this to your TrueNAS Pi-hole, I suppose you could file an issue at

I did not find a solution to the issue posted here. I deleted the plugin on true nas and then installed an Ubuntu VM and installed it that way. I have sense gotten it up and running.

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