Pi-hole Remote App (Philly, Singularity) not working

Hey Guys,
I'm using pi-hole in a docker container on my Synology NAS.
The IP Adresse is and the Web Interface Port ist set to 8080.
The Docker Container Network ist set to host, not bridge-mode.

I can't connect the Pi-Hole with the Apps Philly and Singularity. The normal Web Interface in Browser works fine.

Did anyone have an idea?
Thanks, Guys.

Pi-hole does not offer a Pi-hole Remote App.
You may consider to consult the maintainer of that App for support.

Just curious:
Where did yo get that Pi-hole Remote App from?

Both Apps are available in the AppStore.

Clicking on the AppStore links above you will see there are a few reviews saying the apps are not able to connect.

They are probably outdated.
You will probably need to contact the app developers or replace the apps.