Pi-hole local dns translation for Pi-hole adress in local network

Please follow the below template, it will help us to help you!

Expected Behaviour:

Changed local dnsmasq (pihole dnsmasq) record for most of devices in network. Things worked well. Changed pihole record and I expected pi-hole to get translated. So i could have that device accesible via shorter adress.

Actual Behaviour:

https://screenshots.firefox.com/smFjGxXO9CEdsJzc/pi.lan Even though I whitelisted it after saying that nonsense to me

Debug Token:


Have you seen:

Does not seem to be so.
Running pihole -w pi.lan did stdouted that already included in whitelist.
Removed and added in console. Run pihole -g.
Opened in different browser.
DID NOT HELP. Seems unrelated.

If you're trying to reach the web interface via that pi.lan hostname, you have to use the full URL: http://pi.lan/admin

Well. that works. Even though I expected different behavior.
I expected no message about whitelist/blacklist.
that confused me.

The block page is the 404 page. We prompt users to use pi.hole because then we know they are trying to use the web interface, so we can automatically redirect to /admin. Otherwise, we don't know if we should redirect or if there is supposed to be a site there. It can be better, but the reason you saw the whitelist message is because you whitelisted it.

Thanks for last message. I changed it to pi.hole from pi.lan. Works greatly :slight_smile:

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