Pi-Hole is used but blacklisted domains aren't blocked

Hi There,

I have a UDM-Pro and a USG running as my main network routers.

I have in this 3 Networks
Guests =

My Pi-Hole v5.6 FTL v5.11 WEB v5.8 is on and uses OPENDNS-Family as DNS.

I can tell Pi-Hole is working for LAN4KIDS as some sites are blocked.
I blacklisted some domains and put them in a School group.
(.|^)youtube.com$ (.|^)m.youtube.com$

I noticed they aren't blocked.
I start searching on the internet and found Pi-hole doesn't block domains as intended - #6 by jfb

In my configuration i have a /etc/pihole/pihole-FTL.conf that only contains privacy=0
and there is no blacklist.txt.

Is this info from previous question still valid and can somebody help me troubleshoot this..

Kind regards
Guy Forssman

Please upload a debug log and post just the token URL that is generated after the log is uploaded by running the following command from the Pi-hole host terminal:

pihole -d

or do it through the Web interface:

Tools > Generate Debug Log

The thread you reference was written when an older version of Pi-hole was current (prior to V5.0). With V5.0 and later of Pi-hole, the domains and adlists are no longer in separate text files, they are embedded in an SQL database at /etc/pihole/gravity.db.

Were you unable to upload your log to our server? That is what produces the token, and putting the log on our server limits the audience to the Pi-hole team (and for only 48 hours). Posting your log publicly provides none of this privacy.

Yes it's uploaded....


It seems that the log contains other dns addresses than the one from Pi-Hole.
Im running Kubuntu 20.04 on the Pi-Hole server but can't seems to find the config file for that one.
systemd-resolve --status | grep 'DNS Servers' -A2
DNS Servers:

Your school group is disabled. No blocking will be applied to clients in that group:

*** [ DIAGNOSING ]: Groups
   id    enabled  name                                                date_added           date_modified        description                                       
   ----  -------  --------------------------------------------------  -------------------  -------------------  --------------------------------------------------
   0           1  Default                                             2021-10-27 13:43:16  2021-10-27 13:43:16  The default group                                 
   1        0     School                                              2021-10-27 14:28:36  2021-10-29 19:00:01  school

And, your adlist is only applied to the default group, not the school group as well. Did you intend to not have any adlists in the school group?

*** [ DIAGNOSING ]: Adlists
   id     enabled  group_ids     address                                                                                               date_added           date_modified        comment                                           
   -----  -------  ------------  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  -------------------  -------------------  --------------------------------------------------
   1            1  0             https://raw.githubusercontent.com/StevenBlack/hosts/master/hosts                                      2021-10-27 13:43:16  2021-10-27 13:43:16  Migrated from /etc/pihole/adlists.list

The school group is enabled between 08 - 19 h with a cron job. I want to block the fun sites between certain hours for my kids.

The question was posted before 19:00

I have uploaded a new log this time with the group enabled.

With this group enabled, and from one of the clients in that group, from the command prompt or terminal in that client (and not via ssh to Pi-hole), what are the outputs of the following commands:

nslookup youtube.com

nslookup youtube.com

Then from the Pi terminal:

grep youtube.com /var/log/pihole.log | tail -n10

C:\Users\guyf>nslookup youtube
DNS request timed out.
timeout was 2 seconds.
Server: UnKnown

Name: youtube.

C:\Users\guyf>nslookup youtube
DNS request timed out.
timeout was 2 seconds.
Server: UnKnown

*** No internal type for both IPv4 and IPv6 Addresses (A+AAAA) records available for youtube

root@NVR:~# grep youtube.com /var/log/pihole.log | tail -n10

I think it has to do with /etc/systemd/resolved.conf

Are you passing port 53 traffic between VLAN'S?

Don't understand your question completely.

I think I nailed it down to UNFI problem ..because the exact order and dns servers are configured for my main LAN and for some reason they also end up in Pi-Hole

Does the group blocking work now?

No It doesn't

If you repeat those nslookup commands, do you still receive no replies?

Yes indeed Server Unknown

I suspect this a problem with passing DNS (port 53) traffic between your different VLAN's.

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