Pi Hole Interface is logging me off directly after login

Expected Behaviour:

browsing the pi hole web interface without any problems

Actual Behaviour:

the pi hole interface is logging me off every few sec

Debug Token:


removed the password using pihole -a -p everything works great again. set a new password. and back to that logoff madness.
Flush logs does not work shows error "wrong token"

SD-Card was full which lead to that error. now i have another problem WHY is my "pihole-FTL.log" file 1.72GB?

filled with
[2017-07-31 00:04:00.043] save_to_DB() - SQL error: attempt to write a readonly database
over and over again

Hm, that is quite a large FTL log. It is flushed like the normal Pi-hole log, except weekly. What are the permissions on /etc/pihole/pihole-FTL.db?

i deleted it from the pi to make other stuff work again. i downloaded it before doing that. new permissions for pihole-FTL.log is 644 ohh and its 1.6GB again

i installed an update yesterday so my pi is new to that FTL update this PiHole Stopped Working after pihole -up (DNS service not running) was the issue i had before right after updating. now FTL filles the storage within a day

the error is spammed extremly rapitly
[2017-07-31 00:04:00.041] save_to_DB() - SQL error: attempt to write a readonly database
[2017-07-31 00:04:00.041] save_to_DB() - SQL error: attempt to write a readonly database
[2017-07-31 00:04:00.041] save_to_DB() - SQL error: attempt to write a readonly database
[2017-07-31 00:04:00.042] save_to_DB() - SQL error: attempt to write a readonly database
[2017-07-31 00:04:00.042] save_to_DB() - SQL error: attempt to write a readonly database
[2017-07-31 00:04:00.042] save_to_DB() - SQL error: attempt to write a readonly database
[2017-07-31 00:04:00.042] save_to_DB() - SQL error: attempt to write a readonly database
[2017-07-31 00:04:00.042] save_to_DB() - SQL error: attempt to write a readonly database
[2017-07-31 00:04:00.042] save_to_DB() - SQL error: attempt to write a readonly database
[2017-07-31 00:04:00.042] save_to_DB() - SQL error: attempt to write a readonly database
[2017-07-31 00:04:00.042] save_to_DB() - SQL error: attempt to write a readonly database
[2017-07-31 00:04:00.043] save_to_DB() - SQL error: attempt to write a readonly database
[2017-07-31 00:04:00.043] save_to_DB() - SQL error: attempt to write a readonly database
[2017-07-31 00:04:00.043] save_to_DB() - SQL error: attempt to write a readonly database
[2017-07-31 00:04:00.043] save_to_DB() - SQL error: attempt to write a readonly database
[2017-07-31 00:04:00.043] save_to_DB() - SQL error: attempt to write a readonly database
[2017-07-31 00:04:00.043] save_to_DB() - SQL error: attempt to write a readonly database
[2017-07-31 00:04:00.043] save_to_DB() - SQL error: attempt to write a readonly database
[2017-07-31 00:04:00.043] save_to_DB() - SQL error: attempt to write a readonly database
[2017-07-31 00:04:00.044] save_to_DB() - SQL error: attempt to write a readonly database
[2017-07-31 00:04:00.044] save_to_DB() - SQL error: attempt to write a readonly database
[2017-07-31 00:04:00.044] save_to_DB() - SQL error: attempt to write a readonly database
[2017-07-31 00:04:00.044] save_to_DB() - SQL error: attempt to write a readonly database
[2017-07-31 00:04:00.044] save_to_DB() - SQL error: attempt to write a readonly database
[2017-07-31 00:04:00.044] save_to_DB() - SQL error: attempt to write a readonly database
[2017-07-31 00:04:00.044] save_to_DB() - SQL error: attempt to write a readonly database
[2017-07-31 00:04:00.044] save_to_DB() - SQL error: attempt to write a readonly database
[2017-07-31 00:04:00.045] save_to_DB() - SQL error: attempt to write a readonly database
[2017-07-31 00:04:00.045] save_to_DB() - SQL error: attempt to write a readonly database
[2017-07-31 00:04:00.045] save_to_DB() - SQL error: attempt to write a readonly database
[2017-07-31 00:04:00.045] save_to_DB() - SQL error: attempt to write a readonly database
[2017-07-31 00:04:00.045] save_to_DB() - SQL error: attempt to write a readonly database
[2017-07-31 00:04:00.045] save_to_DB() - SQL error: attempt to write a readonly database
[2017-07-31 00:04:00.045] save_to_DB() - SQL error: attempt to write a readonly database
[2017-07-31 00:04:00.045] save_to_DB() - SQL error: attempt to write a readonly database
[2017-07-31 00:04:00.046] save_to_DB() - SQL error: attempt to write a readonly database
[2017-07-31 00:04:00.046] save_to_DB() - SQL error: attempt to write a readonly database
[2017-07-31 00:04:00.046] save_to_DB() - SQL error: attempt to write a readonly database
[2017-07-31 00:04:00.046] save_to_DB() - SQL error: attempt to write a readonly database
[2017-07-31 00:04:00.046] save_to_DB() - SQL error: attempt to write a readonly database
[2017-07-31 00:04:00.046] save_to_DB() - SQL error: attempt to write a readonly database
[2017-07-31 00:04:00.046] save_to_DB() - SQL error: attempt to write a readonly database
[2017-07-31 00:04:00.046] save_to_DB() - SQL error: attempt to write a readonly database
[2017-07-31 00:04:00.046] save_to_DB() - SQL error: attempt to write a readonly database
[2017-07-31 00:04:00.047] save_to_DB() - SQL error: attempt to write a readonly database
[2017-07-31 00:04:00.047] save_to_DB() - SQL error: attempt to write a readonly database

Flush the FTL log again and see if it fills up again, since you have set the permissions correctly.

flushing does not work, i assume its caused by the full sd card. the main problem is that the log is spammed extremly fast.

Flush the FTL log, not the Pi-hole log. Run:

sudo service pihole-FTL stop
rm /var/log/pihole-FTL.log
sudo service pihole-FTL start

did that but the log file is getting spammed by

[2017-08-01 18:54:00.043] save_to_DB() - SQL error: attempt to write a readonly database
[2017-08-01 18:54:00.043] save_to_DB() - SQL error: attempt to write a readonly database
[2017-08-01 18:54:00.043] save_to_DB() - SQL error: attempt to write a readonly database
[2017-08-01 18:54:00.043] save_to_DB() - SQL error: attempt to write a readonly database
[2017-08-01 18:54:00.043] save_to_DB() - SQL error: attempt to write a readonly database
[2017-08-01 18:54:00.043] save_to_DB() - SQL error: attempt to write a readonly database
[2017-08-01 18:54:00.043] save_to_DB() - SQL error: attempt to write a readonly database
[2017-08-01 18:54:00.044] save_to_DB() - SQL error: attempt to write a readonly database
[2017-08-01 18:54:00.044] save_to_DB() - SQL error: attempt to write a readonly database
[2017-08-01 18:54:00.044] save_to_DB() - SQL error: attempt to write a readonly database
[2017-08-01 18:54:00.044] save_to_DB() - SQL error: attempt to write a readonly database
[2017-08-01 18:54:00.044] save_to_DB() - SQL error: attempt to write a readonly database
[2017-08-01 18:54:00.044] save_to_DB() - SQL error: attempt to write a readonly database
[2017-08-01 18:54:00.044] save_to_DB() - SQL error: attempt to write a readonly database
[2017-08-01 18:54:00.044] save_to_DB() - SQL error: attempt to write a readonly database
still so in around 24h the sd card will be full again

Did you change /etc/pihole/pihole-FTL.db permissions? I think you only change the log file's. Put the same permissions on the DB as on the log file.

Please verify that the permissions for your database file are correct.

On my machine:

$ ls -lh /etc/pihole/pihole-FTL.db
-rw-r--r-- 1 pihole pihole 33M Aug  1 21:08 /etc/pihole/pihole-FTL.db

Fix permissions and ownership in case you need it:

sudo service pihole-FTL stop
sudo chown pihole:pihole /etc/pihole/pihole-FTL.db
sudo chmod 0644 /etc/pihole/pihole-FTL.db
sudo service pihole-FTL start

looks like that fixed it. owner was root. the question is why? anyway thx

I just realized for how long I wasn't around here. Sorry for that!

pihole-FTL runs under a rather low permissions user which cannot edit files that are owned by root. Concerning why the file's owner was changed ... I don't know. Maybe you edited it with a tool running under sudo or something similar.