Pi-hole in custom install directory or help to resolve web server clash

Hi all,
Amateur here.
I have just uninstalled pinhole from my home server (Ubuntu 16) as I already have an instance of Nextcloud installed on it and there was a conflict over Port 80. Nextcloud is running on Apache and is installed into /var/www/html/ and configured for access outside my network at mydomain.com. I have certbot/letsencrypt forcing all http://mydomain.com requests to go to https://mydomain.com
So, can I install pinhole somewhere other than the default /var/www/html/ and how do I go about managing the conflict over Port 80.
On a related note I've been reading about the need for a VPN to enable safe access to my pinhole instance from outside my network. So two questions about this;

  1. Will having a vpn installed interfere with my instance of Nextcloud?
  2. Will having a vpn installed interfere with my instance of Plex (which runs on a separate machine to Nextcloud)?
    Thank you


Edit /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf and change the server port from 80 to the port you want to use. Then restart lighted with sudo service lighttpd restart

This change will be overwritten on a Pi-Hole update or repair, so make a note of what you changed so you can reapply this later.

VPN should affect neither of these.

Thank you,

  1. Does it matter what port I change the lighted server to?
  2. On my question of preventing pi-hole from installing in amongst my Nextcloud files - can I change that?


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