Pi-hole ignored by all devices in LAN

I have had to re-register because as new user I have used all posts for today.

Back to topic: I do not see ads on speedtest.net. I can even not open bild.de as it claims I have to disable my adblocker (no browser adblock enabled)
And that is what confuses me. While it seems to be working on ads it is not working on domains I type into the browser.
I am not talking of domains I recently blacklisted. What I do is I open domains that are in the gravity.list. The should be blocked by Pi-hole. When I ping the domain or try nslookup it´s bouncing the correct results (ping, unknown host, nslookup, IP
But again, when I open the domain in a browser (can be Win or iOS or MAC) the website works great.

Can you go to doubleclick.net?

no, this domain really seems to be blocked.
But I can go to goode.com which is in the mahakala and the preEventHorizon list (checked in adlist query).

When I ping goode.com it´s saying host not found.

Same for mkt561.com

Try blocking www.goode.com as well.

That seems to be working. On both Win and iOS device.

Also when I nslookup www.goode.com it delivers the IP (if not blacklisted in Pi-hole)

When I nslookup goode.com (without the "www") it bounces back 0.0.0.

So the issue is the www that gets added in the (every) browser. Is this a bug, something I can change in my network? On Pi-hole? I cannot add another www.domain.com to 250k domains :wink:

When I nslookup www.doubleclick.net it bounces back, as well as when I nslookip doubleclick.net

Not really in the spirit of things... The reason behind the 24 hour limit is to give you a chance to settle into the forums and get a feel for how we do things around here.


From the above:

As for support topics, it is more correct to edit your previous posts to include the requested information rather than posting many new replies in a row, bumping the topic over and over and spreading information that should be condensed together into a massive vertical sprawl that everyone has to piece through.

Please don't try to circumvent the rules in place by creating a new account every time you reach the limit, as that will only lead to an IP ban.. Consider this a warning.

@camisy Do you know that the Fritzbox got two DNS settings one for the WAN and one for the LAN ? It seems you have have setup pi-hole in the WAN DNS setting, which is the wrong place. You pi-hole upstream DNS should be your Fritzbox.

I believe you are referring to the rebind DNS issue with the fritzbox, do you?

However my Pi-hole is hosted on the internet, not local so I even can't use the fritzbox as upstream DNS.

I summarize the issue: What we figured out is that some or most ads are blocked. When I open a website, taken from the gravity list, it's being displayed (but shown as pihole). When I put this website again on blacklist but add www it's also being blocked. When I remove the www.domain it's displayed again. nslookup only give back correctly (as configured).

I share this hosted Pi-hole with someone. All mentioned domains are blocked for him. He uses IPv6, I am on IPv4.

It might be related to Http:// blocked but not www
but why is it a problem for me and not for others?
Is it really the issue?
What's the workaround?

No, that was not my intention.

That is a special situation, I did not know that - so forget what I have said :wink: