Pi-hole has two different IP's


I have pihole running on an ESXi VM and it's running fine but my config tells me it has one IP ( ) under the admin UI settings. But I can not bring up the web ui with that IP address. If i log into the console and run ifconfig I get eth0 having a address and the web ui DOES come up there.

Not sure where it's getting this but somehow it seem that DHCP is on and over riding the settings part.

Can you run a pihole -d and get us the token so we can check the configurations.

debug token: 91sg51skk5

Thank you!

Your /etc/pihole/setupVars.conf does not mention any address in the 10 net block? And Pi-hole believes it is at

Can you run sudo ip addr on the Pi-hole device and show what IP's are assigned to the interfaces?

I'm sorry when I looked at my notes I took the two address from the old network. I forgot that I moved pi-hole to the 192. (I need more sleep) when I run the sudo ip addr I get this:

2: eth0:
inet brd scope global eth0
valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever


Ok so I ran the install again and it did default to the IP again, I changed it to the ip and now when I got to the I get this:

Website Blocked

Access to the following site has been blocked:
If you have an ongoing use for this website, please ask the owner of the Pi-hole in your network to have it whitelisted.
This page is blocked because it is explicitly contained within the following block list(s):
Go back Whitelist this page Close window
Generated Sat 12:11 PM, Feb 04 by Pi-hole v2.12.1

BUT when I go to my blacklist I get that it's empty.

That's the default 404 page, so lighttpd was unable to find what you were looking for. Were you trying to go to the web interface?

yes the internal web interface

The Pi-hole web interface is under /admin

I meant when I visited the I got that. I just gave up and nuked the VM and did a fresh install of minimal debian and reinstalled. Up and running now.

not exactly sure whats going on but if you shutdown the ESXi 6.5 VM that is running pi-hole and restart it it stops using the static IP that is assigned during install. It grabs a DHCP IP and from then on you can't access the admin UI unless you go to the new DHCP address. Is there a setting that can turn off DHCP?

Try reconfiguring it to use the new IP via pihole -r or assign it an IP through your DHCP server.

I did it again just to be sure, I go through all the steps (it defaults to the .220 address here) change it to the one I want (.5) and it still wants to be on .220. Reboot and still the same (ifconfig shows eth0 as .220). WebUI doesn't respond to the .5/admin but does to the .220/admin.

I have no idea WTF is going on BUT I did notice that it wasn't a reboot of the VM it's whenever Pi-Hole gets updated that it jacks things up.

EDIT: Just tried it again, restored the image I took of the VM prior to the upgrade, rebooted vm twice and it held the settings. Upgrade and it's fine until you restart the VM then even if you tell it to use a specific IP it keeps grabbing it from DHCP. For now I just entered a static in the DHCP server.

A post was split to a new topic: Help: Pi-hole has two IP addresses