Pi-hole / Google Wifi Guest Network

I use Google Wifi as my mesh network and have Pi-hole as the DHCP server. I use the guest network on Google Wifi to seperate IoT and work devices from the main network.

I am wondering if its possible to have Pi-hole also manage the DHCP for that network, so that I could see the individual devices. This would just make it easier to sort my work devices and IoT devices into seperate groups for my control over which adlists they use.

How does Google Wifi set up the addressing of these networks? For example the main network might be 192.168.0.x and the guest network might be 10.10.10.x.

Normally you would need a DHCP server for each address range because clients cannot broadcast beyond their network, but these mesh setups can be tricky. It looks like Google's setup lets you "share" devices from your main network (eg a printer) to the guest network. So perhaps if you shared your Pi-hole, it would be able to respond to broadcasts on both networks, and something could be made of this ability with some careful config of the Pi-hole.

The main network is 192.168.86.x and the guest is 192.168.84.x

All the traffic still points to the same gateway address. Pi-hole is still able to operate as the DNS, since the guest network still sends all traffic to the gateway which would be in this case but, since the individual devices on the guest network stay in the 192.168.84.x address pool I cannot manage each seperate device by IP as Pi-hole can only act as the DHCP server for the 192.168.86.x address pool.

I do not think the shared device would do anything. I am not even sure if a 2nd pi-hole would help either, since I do not have any options to change the Router LAN IP or DHCP Address Pool for the guest network, so I am not sure how I would be able to force the guest network to use pi-hole as the DHCP.

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