Pi-hole fails to start after installing new router

Expected Behaviour:

I have been running pi-hole for about 6 or 7 months now on a Raspberry Pi 4 Model b with pi os.

Actual Behaviour:

After upgrading my router i tried to restart Pi-hole and got this error:
fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "errors": [], "module_stderr": "Starting pihole ... \nHost is already in use by another container\nStarting pihole ... error\n", "module_stdout": "", "msg": "Error starting project Encountered errors while bringing up the project."}

Debug Token:


What are you using as you Docker Compose file or docker run statement?

Im not sure.

Did you get a new router or just update the firmware?

If you got a new router, 'I' would reinstall your OS (I presume you meant 'Raspbian' OS because there are changes and if you are indeed using Pi OS, still it is better to just start over( that is a Thing with Linux you do not get with Windows or Apple; sometimes software does not play nice with a new version or old software) and the are using the new Bullseye version) with your pi-hole;
My default answer when major changes are made: telegraph your settings (aka, back them up and after a fresh install and all updates done on both OS and Pi-Hole restore setting from backup).
TBH: I back up my CFG and clone before I make ANY changes. Tape an SD card to the bottom and see what happens.

I get snark for it but I've done it... ummm... about 4 times in the past ~2 years (to be fair: Bullseye 64 bit official was responsible for 3 of those experiments) and it seems easier, to me, than fighting change.

I'm positive a Developer or Moderator will give you other options but a spare micro SD card to play with is an easy choice, and if it does not work, plug the old one back in and troubleshoot.

That would be teleport...

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I deserve that.!

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